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Thursday, 19 January 2012

Comprehensive pupil sends Oxford her OWN rejection letter saying 'grand interview setting allows public school applicants to flourish'

Now that's what I call spunk! Having the guts to not only reject a possibility of a place at an Oxford college, but then the temerity to speak to Oxford dons using their own poncy, put down language deserves an award!

How often do you hear about a state school pupil sending their own rejection letter to Oxford University mocking its standards and rituals after being interviewed for a place? Elly Nowell, 19, wrote to Magdalen College that it 'did not quite meet the standard' of other universities.

In a parody of the institution's own letters, she wrote that she found the 'obvious gap' between minorities and white middle-class students 'embarrassing'. She said in her letter to Magdalen College that there were 'significant flaws' in its education system.

Rejection: A-level student Elly Nowell is predicted to get A*s in history, law and English literature
Mocking: A-level student Elly Nowell, who is predicted A*s in history, law and English literature, sent a scathing 

Miss Nowell, from Winchester, Hampshire - who is predicted A*s in her history, law and English literature A-levels - now hopes to study law at University College London.

She described the Oxford University interview process as 'torture' and the college as 'rude' for not even providing a glass of water. She also criticised the 'grand formal setting' of the interview, saying it was 'intimidating' and biased towards public school pupils.

Yesterday she said: 'It was during my interview that I finally realised subjecting myself to the judgment of an institution I fundamentally disagreed with was bizarre. 'I spent my entire time at the university laughing at how seriously they were taking everything and felt like the only atheist in a gigantic monastery.

'Oxford is a fairly ridiculous and prominent elitist institution, yet unlike the monarchy or investment bankers it is rarely mocked. Even comedians tend to avoid Oxbridge as a subject. Being a successful student should depend on the student and not on whether a couple of academics think you shine in a 20-minute interview.'

Hat's off girl! It's about time that those ridiculous institutions get a dose of their own medicine. They dole out rejection letters by the hundreds every year so it's really nice for them to receive one once in a while!

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