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Friday, 26 November 2010

How about a nice pair of second hand knickers then?

As the saying goes, "one man's muck is another man's brass". Given this saying, some people will go to great lengths to display thrift and get a bargain.

In fact, if any proof was needed that people are pulling in their purse strings and making savings wherever they can, folks in Ghana have been buying second hand knickers, yes I repeat, "second hand knickers" in order to make ends meet (all puns intended!).

However, now it appears market traders in Ghana will be banned from selling second-hand underwear from next February. According to the Ghana Standards Board, used pants - and other second-hand goods like handkerchiefs and mattresses - are unhygienic and could pose a health hazard. No kidding? Really? I had no idea!

Cynthia, a market trader, defended the business saying "Second-hand underwear and other clothes we sell here at Kantamanto Market and are better quality than new undies in the stores".

It's interesting though as to what the local words are for such items:

Apparently second-hand clothing is often referred to as "obroni wewu", which literally translates as "white man's deads". Yes, indeed!