You have to marvel at the miracle of science these days! This woman got shot full in the face and which left a gaping hole. Not only did she survive it, but now she's had corrective surgery (was there ever such an understatement?) and has her very own "new" face.
Chrissy Steltz, 27, from Milwaukie, Oregon, was shot accidentally at close range by a friend at a party in March 1999. The shot blew a huge hole in her face where her eyes and nose used to be. Mrs Steltz went into a coma and spent six weeks in hospital. Doctors said it was a miracle that she was not killed but the blast left her badly disfigured. She was also blinded and lost part of her hearing. Mrs Steltz, who married last year and has a one-year-old child, wore a sleeping mask to cover the hole but has now been given a prosthetic replacement 11 years later.
This is an amazing testament to the courage of the human spirit. How many people even if they had survived physically, would have curled up and died inside? how many people would have gone into a deep depression from which they would never have come out again, certainly not intact or in one piece?
I hear a talk show coming along..."Ok, Oprah be right with you in a minute!"