What a bunch of compeltely heartless bastards! How low do you have to go in order to make a buck these days? Apparently, copper cable thieves who cut down a
pylon leaving live wires exposed may have used a foal as a 'tester' to
check if electricity was still moving through the line. The
burnt remains of the six-month old animal were discovered in its field
near Sittingborne, Kent the next day by its owner who is in his

Burnt to death: Callous copper cable thieves cut
down a pylon leaving live wires exposed before using a six month old
foal as a 'tester' to check if electricity was still moving through the
line (file picture)
After the incident, around 3,000 homes were plunged into darkness as the criminals took stole the copper cabling cutting the electricity supply. One resident told the Daily Telegraph
'Almost all of us had no electricity on the night in question, but
when we heard about the foal being burned alive everyone was horrified.
of us believe the people responsible used the foal to test whether the
wires were still live - either by putting it on the cable or tempting it
over with food.'
The owner of the field where the foal was found said the animal was horrifically burnt. She said the owner was left heartbroken after having to remove the remains of his horse.
The world is full of very greedy people who will stoop to the lowest levels in order to satisy their own personal needs.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2046757/Cable-thieves-test-wires-live-electrocuting-horse.html?ITO=1490
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